Monday, March 1, 2010

Review: Do We Have Internet Privacy?

An issue today is the discussion about internet privacy. Parents of the young generation today are worried about the safety of their children because of the internet. The internet is a system of interconnected computer networks that uses protocol to serve millions of users worldwide. The internet is a network of networks that has millions of links that are linked by electronic and networking technologies. So why are many people afraid that they their internet usages are not private. Well, from what I believe and understand that the network of where you log onto can be detected and found by other users if they are using the same network.
The video above shows us that the the person talking is worried about his email and information are being shared through mass spam emails or also known as junk mails. Mentioned in the video that when a person finds something funny or interesting they would like to forward it onto their friends and families. When sending junk mails or forwarding chain mails some don't realize that they are forwarding other people's information along with the forward. From there we can say that the from our email addresses being exposed for other people to see who have received the same is not so private anymore. The reason why one is to believe that there is no more privacy because of other social networking. As I said before when a forward of a chain letter others can view your email addresses making it easier on other people to find you. We can all agree that we've received chain letters before and from that email it can be said that there are over 100 emails in that forward. With the emails one can find another person's information through Facebook and or adding them to MSN. (Please see link on the right about facebook having to call an ex-detective) From a couple clicks someone can be revealed through an email address. This is why there have been so many cases where some girls were sexually assaulted, kidnapped even raped. In conclusion, I do believe that the internet culture today we have no privacy what so ever and as much as most people know that they continue to use the internet because it provides us with a lot of convenience in today's society.

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