Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Review: iPod is the New Culture

From tape players to CD player to the new improved iPod leaving everyone wanting one. Below is a link showing us how an iPod may be the new evil in consumer's culture. The iPod Touch brings customers the best in entertainment on the go with a thin, sleek design and a number of key multimedia features.

Fighting Over an iPod Left Two Men Dead

 Duped by corporations, marketers, advertisers etc. into being passive consumers. Consumers are manipulated, disempowered and distracted by the producers. People say, "what you buy is who you are" what does this quote mean? 
As a consumer myself, I think that consumer culture is manipulated by the media.  In today’s society it is “cool” to have an iPod. Every time you look left, right or everywhere you will see majority of people today will own an iPods. Apple products are targeted at young adolescents and adults. As technologies advances Apple will continue to produce new products that will get more people to purchase from them. IPods started with a regular mp3 and now it has advanced to an iPod touch as seen above. As technology advances in the near future especially items that people consider 'high tech' society will continue to consume more of these items because it's 'cool' to have things that are brand new and people think that it's good to be the first to have the newer item.

*please read the above article you'll see how serious an iPods can be*

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