Sunday, March 7, 2010

Review: Imperialism and Colonialism: E. Said

In the movie "Hotel Rwanda" is based on a true story. The conflicts between the Hutu and Tutsi peoples lead them to a civil war. The country soon after was corrupted and bribery was the daily routine. Paul who is the manger of the Hotel is Hutu but his wife Tatiana is Tutsi. George who is the supplier to the hotel who was also the local leader of Interahamwe (anti-Tutsi militia) is an activist who did not approve of Paul and Tatiana’s marriage. 
             As the country starts to get worse due to the political situation, Paul and his family watched their neighbours being thrown from their homes and beaten in the streets where everyone else can observe. When the civil war started a Rwandan Army Officer threatens Paul and his neighbours. Paul would try his very best to carry favour with people of influence. He would bribe them with money, alcohol and jewellery to make sure he keeps his family safe. When the war erupt it was very difficult for Paul to continue to negotiate safety and bring everyone to the hotel. As a manager of the hotel Paul must convince the Hutu soldiers to care for the people who were at the hotel and maintain the appearance of a functioning high-class hotel. The situation becomes more violent with mobs in the streets just ready to kill more people.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Critical Reflection #3 - Organic Intellectuals

             Gramsci discusses two types of intellectuals: organic intellectuals and traditional intellectuals. "Organic intellectuals are particular strata of intellectual that are connected to the dominant social class and acts as both an organizer, of society and its diverse organisms, and as its thinking element, leading the ideas of their class" (Gramsci, 1971). For example Gramsci stated, "Organic intellectuals are often recruited from lower classes and used to maintain the hegemony of the ruling class or they may provide an alternative hegemony" (Gramsci, 12).

Monday, March 1, 2010

Review: Do We Have Internet Privacy?

An issue today is the discussion about internet privacy. Parents of the young generation today are worried about the safety of their children because of the internet. The internet is a system of interconnected computer networks that uses protocol to serve millions of users worldwide. The internet is a network of networks that has millions of links that are linked by electronic and networking technologies. So why are many people afraid that they their internet usages are not private. Well, from what I believe and understand that the network of where you log onto can be detected and found by other users if they are using the same network.