Sunday, February 28, 2010

Are You A Facebook Stalker?

 In class we discussed why some or most of us have facebook this video lists all the reasons we discussed in class. Facebook allows us to have surveillance on what our friends are doing in their lives. I found this video funny and very true. I'm sure many of us can yes to some of the things or all of the things said in this video.
1) Refresh homepage to see if there are any new notification etc... 
2) Going on your friends page to see their wall to wall 
3) Becoming friends with someone to see more of their informations 
4) Clicking through your friend’s friend pictures just to see all the photo in the album
The list goes on... The other reasons given are on point.  
See if you answered "yes" to all the reasons! Cheers  

Friday, February 12, 2010

Critical Reflection #2: The Panopticon

Perception of what is power will be viewed differently through one’s eyes.  Not everyone in today’s society will always agree on the same things.  Foucault uses the Panopticon as a way to explain power, surveillance and discipline in today’s society in his book “Discipline and Punish”.
Foucault uses the Panopticon as a way to explain power, surveillance and discipline in modern society.  The model of the Panopticon is used to monitor and moderate people.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Critical Reflection #1: Master Narrative

In class we discussed the article “Cowboys and Indians: Toys of Genocide, Icons of American Colonialism” by Yellow Bird. He discusses the roles of narrative in society.  Yellow Bird says that identity making are through stories that are constructed by series of events.  He believes in what he calls the “Master Narrative”. 
            “The everyday discourse of people in my community was also highly supportive of the master narrative” (Yellow Bird, pg 41).  According to Yellow Bird everyone use to call one other ‘cowboy’ or ‘Indian Cowboy’.  Master Narrative is a way of self identifying yourself or one another.  The whites would be called the ‘cowboys’ and the Indians would be called the ‘Indian Cowboys’.  Master Narrative has taught us that Indians are inferior to whites.  Whites are the dominant ones in society. 

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Making the Mosaic

I grew up in Toronto and have grown up with many races.  Toronto is known to be very multicultural.  I personally have not experienced any form of segregation even though I am Chinese.  Multiculturalism is a fabrication that the Canadian government has created to manipulate the diverse cultures that reside in the great nation of CanadaCanada clearly uses multiculturalism to objectify Canadian immigrants.  Using multiculturalism as a way to differentiate itself from other western societies by flaunting the diversity in Canada.  It is known Canada sometimes does not treat the residents equal.